Segue Electronics offers an excellent cost effective solution to our customers’ thermal management needs. Our heat sinks are used in many well-known markets and industry leaders with applications including power supplies and audio equipment. Catalogs with hundreds of standard specifications are available upon request. Custom designed parts are provided on a regular basis. From a processor or BGA heatsink, or other board level heat dissipation requirements, to the thermal management of large motor controls and down well projects, Segue Electronics efficient and cost effective manufacturing capabilities allow us to offer a variety of custom heatsink types and styles to meet a project’s thermal requirements. And due to our low tooling costs, our build-to-print Stamped and Formed, Extruded Aluminum, Cast Aluminum, Bonded Fin, and Skived heatsink styles allows us to not only offer a cost competitive product, but unlike off the shelf heatsinks, we will make a custom heatsink design that will fit perfectly into your project.
We have competitive tooling cost and programs, therefore switching to Segue to acquire quality products with significant cost savings is easy and fast. Custom parts can be made to your specification, normally at no greater cost than an off-the-shelf product. Don’t compromise your design by just using what’s available in someone’s catalog. Our expertise in all facets of the industry gives Segue a unique ability to supply what you need.